After we have a blueprint for our solutions in part 1, now it is time to implement it into code. We use AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) as Infrastructure as a Code and Spring Boot as our custom job implementation.
Transform Passion into Knowledge
After we have a blueprint for our solutions in part 1, now it is time to implement it into code. We use AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) as Infrastructure as a Code and Spring Boot as our custom job implementation.
Introduction Hi there! Welcome to the last part for this long journey. Oops, I mean long posts regarding Ansible Wildfly Module. The reason why I posted such a multiple how-to is to reach the ultimate […]
Introduction Welcome to Ansible Wildfly Module part 3. Well, after creating a server, it is time to configure the JVM parameter. Basically, Wildfly host already has default JVM parameter. So, in practical, setting JVM is not a […]
Introduction After creating Wildfly Server Group in the first part, it is time to move to the second part. This post will discuss about creating server instance under each server group. Because without a server […]
Introduction As promised, I will bring the topic about creating ansible module for Wildfly management. Let’s call it Ansible Wildfly module. Take a note here, this is not about installing Wildfly on the target machine. Wildfly […]
Ansible Custom Module I am going very short about Ansible module description, here is from Ansible website: Ansible ships with a number of modules (called the ‘module library’) that can be executed directly on remote […]